About Project Hope
We are supporting our friends at The Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre for Children with Disabilities with an emergency appeal who have been deeply impacted by the coronavirus.
Due to the closure of the centre the therapists are using digital tools to communicate in real-time with children in order to continue their therapy during the restrictions.
Given the success of this program, even after restrictions are lifted, this Virtual Care Model will continue:
To follow up on the home treatment plan for all children living in the West Bank after they end their residential program at the centre.
To reach families in the West Bank who are not permitted to travel to Jerusalem, thus enabling more children to receive the treatment they need.

Each family will receive 19 online sessions each month including:
Five Physiotherapy sessions
Five Speech and language sessions
Five Occupational sessions
Two Training session on staying safe from COVID-19
Two Psycho-social sessions
Join us in our vision to support the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre find 100 new international friends willing to give £30 towards the cost of one session of therapy for a Palestinian child each month.